Dear customers
Well, I had planned to send a very different email to this one. However the Government announcement today was not quite what we had all been expecting. So, for now, I am simply emailing to share our devastation at the news that we and all ‘indoor sports courts’ must remain closed and to reassure you that, when we’re able to do so, we will re-open as quickly and safely as possible. We are particularly disappointed that cinemas, restaurants and pubs can re-open but we must remain shut as we believe we can deliver indoor tennis safely within the current social distancing guidelines.
In preparation for our potential re-opening I had spent time preparing the centre for our return with new signage, building safety precautions and hygiene protocols so I will share more of this with you as and when we approach a re-opening date (which could well be mid-July according to a tweet today by Oliver Dowden, the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport). This will all remain in place and, like myself and the team, wait patiently for your return as soon as possible.
For those of you that may not know, courts 7-10 are currently undercover as the bubble has been deflated and is lying over the courts. This means we do not have access to outdoor courts and, as the contractors cannot carry this work out within even the new social distancing guidelines, we are unlikely to use these courts until restrictions are further lifted.
I will take the next few days to let this news sink in and then I will be back in touch to share some information on the steps we’ve taken for a safe return plus, for when you’re able to, how you can go about booking courts and coaching lessons online.
In the meantime, I hope you all stay well and enjoy this lovely weather.
Best wishes
Sarah and BTC Team